
Legato consists of two things; a hammer on, and a pull off. So what are they? Hammer ons and pull offs are fretting hand techniques. This means they don’t involve your picking hand at all.
String bending is a guitar technique that used usually by lead guitarists to change the pitch of a note. This guitar technique can be widely applied to a wide range of guitar styles and is most commonly found in rock music.
If you don’t know the notes of the fret board or you just have trouble memorizing them, simply look them up. This is the most important part of learning to find song keys on your guitar, so don’t skimp
In this article, we’re going to go over how augmented chords are formed on piano. If you’ve never heard of augmented chords before, don’t worry! We’re going to make things really easy to understand.
Dieting 101 - secretsonhowtoloseweightfast.com
Basically, a healthy diet is one that is richly balanced in both micronutrients - vitamins and minerals - and macro-nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, water and fats. If a diet is deficient in either, it will cause adverse health issues.

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